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A blue and white cube arrangement with roses, lilies, carnations, and statice.
A bright and cheerful vase arrangement with yellow and white flowers
Yellow tone hand-tied bouquet with a mix of seasonal blooms.The premium version includes one custom message bubble balloon and medium chocolate.
A beautiful pink and purple pastel tone basket arrangement with a mix of seasonal blooms and greeneries. Money topper in the image can be purchased...
Standard: 6 stems of yellow roses with babys breath Deluxe: A mix of yellow and white dozen roses 
Purple tone hand-tied bouquet perfect for all occasions!
Pink and white tone arrangement in a cube vase
Lovely flower basket with a mix of pink tone flowers!
Beautiful blooms such as blue hydrangea, crème roses, white lilies and alstroemeria along with white chrysanthemums, limonium and more are beautifully arranged in a dazzling...
A yellow and blue tone flower basket with a mix of seasonal blooms. Mother's Day pick in the image can be purchased as an add-on...
A bright and cheerful arrangement with a mix of seasonal blooms
A beautiful pastel blue and yellow mix of seasonal blooms